Data Science

Use case consulting, with technologies and techniques based on advanced statistics,artificial intelligence,...

Data Science

Use case consulting, with technologies and techniques based on advanced statistics,artificial intelligence, data mining, BigData and ML (Machine Learning) among others.

  • We use resources, systems and efficient algorithms to solve problems.
  • We design time series projection systems for the prediction of variables and patterns observed over time,
  • We create connections between the different points of sale through omnichanel allowing our clients to be in contact with their customers in all channels.
  • We generate recommender systems based on preferences.
  • We use automated systems such as Chatbots, Phone Bots, for the efficient handling of the most frequently requested queries and processes.

Data Strategy

Data organization, evaluation of digital assets, analysis, prioritization and roadmap among others.We...

Data Strategy

Data organization, evaluation of digital assets, analysis, prioritization and roadmap among others.
We help our clients with the integration of repositories, information transformation among other things, to give them the tools with which they can make the right decisions and correct actions through a data strategy.

Data Analytics

The world is changing rapidly. Our customers expect more of a personalized...

Data Analytics

The world is changing rapidly. Our customers expect more of a personalized experience. Competition is increasing, both in quantity and quality.

Today, the most important answers to your complex business challenges are likely to be found in your data.

We recognize the value in data analytics, we help our clients with their data analysis to create a sustainable competitive advantage and thereby maximize the use of data in their company.

We work to build a culture that values and seeks data-driven insights to identify and prioritize strategic initiatives, improve risk management and enhance the value proposition to our clients.

We work on improving information and analytical capabilities to enable more evidence-based decision-making, reducing "gut" decisions.

We work on increasing efficiency, productivity and results by integrating analytics into business processes.

We create scalable, agile, secure and reliable platforms to perform analytics and manage data.

Our goal is to help our clients understand the opportunities to monetize data and how to use them to create value for our clients.

Data Engineering

Data movement, database migrations, data pipeline architecture, pipelineconfiguration, repository integration, information transformation,...

Data Engineering

Data movement, database migrations, data pipeline architecture, pipelineconfiguration, repository integration, information transformation, etc.

  • We generate value through the exploitation of existing data and/or implementing the extraction of data from its source (ingests).
  • We use IoT technologies in different fields.
  • We facilitate the analysis of complex information of different types and sources, reducing costs and optimizing resources.
  • We help our clients to design, implement, manage and operate their cloud technology services strategies. Developing data protection and data assurance processes.
  • We help our clients to back up, protect, recover and store their data, in an agile and efficient way.

Trend IT Methodology

  • Identify objectives
  • Delimit scope
  • Example of archit>cture
  • Exploration & Analysis
  • Incident analysis
Trend IT Methodology
  • Identify models to be used
  • Design Implementation Steps
  • Design steps to mitigate incidents
Analysis & Design
  • Architecture
  • Sampling
  • Internal processes
  • Understanding the scope
  • Construction
  • Validation
  • Visualization

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Analytics?

Data analytics is the practice of examining data to answer questions, identify trends and extract insights. When data analytics is used in business, it is often referred to as Business Analytics.

Customer analytics plays an important role in establishing a single source of truth within an organization and democratizing access to data. It is the process used to collect customer behavioral data and transform it into information that can be used in decision making. Companies use this information to optimize their products, measure their impact, and correctly target their marketing efforts.

Any decision-maker needs foundational data analytics knowledge. Access to data is more common than ever. If your company formulates strategies and makes decisions without considering the data you have access to, you could be missing major opportunities or red flags.

Is the process of using data to support your decision-making process and validate a course of action before committing to it.

Data is logical and concrete in a way that gut instinct and intuition simply aren’t. Data serves to benchmark what currently exists, which allows you to better understand the impact that any decision you make will have on your business.

Once you begin collecting and analyzing data, you’re likely to find that it’s easier to reach a confident decision about virtually any business challenge.

Warning: Because a decision is based on data doesn’t mean it will be correct. Data will show a particular pattern or suggest a certain outcome, but if the data collection process or interpretation is flawed, then any decision based on the data would be inaccurate. For this reason, the impact of every business decision should be regularly measured and monitored.

Look for patterns everywhere, from these patterns, you can draw insights and conclusions.

Tie Every Decision Back to the Data, and do your best to avoid relying on gut instinct when deciding a course of action. Instead, make a conscious effort to apply an analytical mindset.

Visualize the meaning of the data. Visualization is very important in the data analysis process. By creating attractive visualizations in the form of charts and graphs, you will be able to quickly identify trends and draw conclusions about the data.

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